TAO Self-help

Title:Checklist for a Job Search

Author:Hannah Morgan

Date:September 2024

Source:Career Sherpa - Reprinted with permission

Having a checklist for job search makes sure you have the right equipment and tools to compete. Without having everything you need, you potentially waste a lot of time. While gathering this checklist of items in this order is not required, it is *highly* recommended you do them all.

Job Search Checklist — Things You Need For Your Job Search

  1. Portfolio of work and evaluations
  2. Professional email address and email signature
  3. Professional greeting on main voicemail
  4. 20+ Accomplishment stories
  5. 10 or more ideal job titles
  6. Targeted, strategically focused resume for each of those job titles and/or ideal job postings
  7. 50+ companies that could potentially hire you for what you want to do
  8. Craft answers to the dreaded interview questions
  9. Elevator pitch/45 second commercial (here's how to create yours)
  10. LinkedIn profile (here's how to make your profile awesome)
  11. Listing of 100+ people you know
  12. Business cards
  13. Cover letter and thank you letter templates (Use AI to generate rough drafts)
  14. Networking email templates (Use AI to generate rough drafts)
  15. Folders/system to retain job postings, resume, and cover letters by company (version control)
  16. Spreadsheet to track jobs applied for and followup (Try Teal Job Tracker)
  17. Spreadsheet/system to track networking contacts and follow up
  18. Time blocking system (here's what a structured week can look like)
  19. Calendar to keep track of meetings
  20. Positive mindset, anything is possible!

20 is the most important. Take care of yourself emotionally and physically. Don't allow  negative self talk . Surround yourself with positive reinforcement. Prepare for the long haul and try to enjoy this exploration of the new world!

job search checklist 2024

2024 Job Search Check List

Here's a pdf to download.

2024 Job Search Check List

Hannah Morgan is one of this year's LinkedIn Top Voice in Job Search and Careersand a nationally recognized author and speaker on job search strategies. She founded CareerSherpa.net to combine her career expertise with her love of writing, speaking and social media. Her mission is to educate professionals on how to maneuver through today's job search process. Hannah is a regular contributor to US News & World Report. She has been quoted by media outlets, including Forbes, USA Today, Money Magazine, Huffington Post, Aol Jobs, LifeHacker, The Muse, Business Insider, SmartBrief, Payscale as well as many other publications. She is also author of The Infographic Resume and co-author of Social Networking for Business Success.

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