Career Fairs: 7 Best Practices

By Hannah Morgan | Career Sherpa - Reprinted with permission

A major part of job search is getting yourself out there. What better way than to attend a career fair? First, there are usually open jobs at companies that attend career fairs. Second, you'll have the chance to meet employers and others face-to-face! If you are going to go, do some serious preparation. In order to make the most of your time at career fairs, follow these best practices. No, you won't walk out of a career fair with a job offer and they aren't a waste of time if you approach them with the right objectives.... Read more

Meet VA recruiters at national events this winter

By VA Careers | U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs © 2023, Reprinted with permission

There's no better way to learn about VA than from the people who work here, and our recruiters would love the opportunity to meet you at the national events we'll be attending this winter. Whether you have clinical expertise or a background in research, there's a place for you at VA, and we're looking forward to meeting you. In fact, if you've been considering a switch to VA, now is the time to meet with our team as we attend events with:... Read more

11 Personal Brand Statement Examples You Need To See

By Hannah Morgan | Career Sherpa - Reprinted with permission

Your personal brand statement is like a personal slogan. It helps people understand who you are and what you deliver. In an economy where there is a lot of competition, a personal brand statement helps you stand out and be remembered. Personal brand statement examples. You may see a personal brand statement on a website, in a LinkedIn headline, or email signature block. It's a simple sentence or two that explains what you do. When someone reads or hears your personal brand statement, you want them to know exactly what you do, who you help and what problem you solve. What Is A Personal Brand Statement? Businesses have slogans and whenever you hear or see it, you instantly know the company. Just Do It — Nike. Melts in Your Mouth, Not in Your Hands — M&Ms...... Read more

Experience live events through Vet Tix with friends and family

By VA Careers | U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs © 2023, Reprinted with permission

Attending live events, such as concerts, sports, performing arts and family themed events is how many of us relax with entertainment. These experiences are especially significant to Veterans and those who serve our country in uniform. Quite often, our Veterans and service members have missed out on various life events, such as birthdays, anniversaries and holidays with family and friends. Those are experiences that we can't get back, however we quite often commit to making up for it when we're back with our loved ones.... Read more

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Career Fairs: 7 Best Practices

By Hannah Morgan | Career Sherpa - Reprinted with permission

A major part of job search is getting yourself out there. What better way than to attend a career fair? First, there are usually open jobs at companies that attend career fairs. Second, you'll have the chance to meet employers and others face-to-face! If you are going to go, do some serious preparation.

In order to make the most of your time at career fairs, follow these best practices.

No, you won't walk out of a career fair with a job offer and they aren't a waste of time if you approach them with the right objectives.

Find out what companies will be there and research them for a "Must Visit" list.

It sounds obvious, but, if the company isn't in your field or industry, then, you probably don't NEED to visit their table.

You won't have time to wander through the event and visit every employer so you'll want to review the list of participating companies a day before the event. Look for companies on your target list first to see if they will be there. Next, look for any employers you've been curious about. You should plan to visit 5-10 companies during the event.

Visit their websites and see what jobs they have posted.

Generally, companies that attend a career fair have posted jobs. If you can't find them on their website, check Indeed or LinkedIn.

Bring a resume

It's unlikely that you will be able to submit your resume for available jobs during the career fair. They would prefer you apply online. However, having a resume that speaks to your skills to "show" the recruiter or person at the table, can be helpful.

Prepare your pitch

You will absolutely be asked "so what do you do" numerous times at a career fair. This is your chance to concisely explain what you are looking for and what you are good at doing (your value). Remember, recruiters at a career fair meet hundreds of people so you want your pitch to be short and memorable. Keep it to 30 seconds or less. Here's a formula to help you answer "tell me about yourself."

Wait in line

Make the most of your time while waiting in line. Ask the person near you what kind of work they do, what other companies they have visited, and strike up some small chat to kill some time and meet new people. This is also a chance for you to practice your pitch or answer to the question "what do you do?" Use this time to meet other job seekers and share industry news.

5a. Ask good questions of the recruiter at the table

2-3 questions might be all you have time for. You want to leave the recruiter you meet with a positive, interested, and qualified mental picture of you! Asking questions shows you've done some research on the company and will help set you apart. Here are some questions you can ask a recruiter at a career fair.

Ask when and how to follow up

Nicely yet assertively ask for a business card so you can follow up after the event. If they recommend you apply online for a certain job, be sure to ask how to follow up and how long you should wait. Having their contact email will make this possible, so be sure to ask for it.

Follow up, don't give up!

It's up to you to stay in touch with the person you meet in case there are future jobs available. They will probably not be able to remember you or reach out to you if there is a new job posted in a couple of months. Companies are not giving away jobs at a career fair. They are there to meet people and build a pipeline for current or future jobs they have available.


  • Arrive at the career fair early while the recruiters are fresh. Showing up near the end means they will probably be tired or may have decided to leave early.
  • Always bring business cards to hand out either to those you meet while waiting in line or to hand to recruiters.
  • Turn your cell phone off or at least turn the ringer off and do not answer calls in public.
  • Always look your best (wear a suit).
  • Two words: Breath mints.

One More Thought:

Chris Brogan attends LOTS of conferences. Here is his post on 27 Things to Do Before a Conference.

Attending a career fair can fill some people with anxiety. Being prepared and knowing what to expect from the event will help you navigate it more successfully.


Meet VA recruiters at national events this winter

By VA Careers | U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs © 2023, Reprinted with permission

There's no better way to learn about VA than from the people who work here, and our recruiters would love the opportunity to meet you at the national events we'll be attending this winter.

Whether you have clinical expertise or a background in research, there's a place for you at VA, and we're looking forward to meeting you. In fact, if you've been considering a switch to VA, now is the time to meet with our team as we attend events with:

If you're attending these events, this is your chance to discuss the ways work at VA offers an unparalleled life/work balance and opportunities to grow your skills while finding meaning in service to our nation's heroes. We're ready to share how you can change the landscape of Veteran health care with an organization that embraces who you are and rewards what you have to offer.

Work at VA

Make the change of the seasons the time you change your career. Learn more about these events and how to apply at VA Careers.


11 Personal Brand Statement Examples You Need To See

By Hannah Morgan | Career Sherpa - Reprinted with permission

Your personal brand statement is like a personal slogan. It helps people understand who you are and what you deliver.

In an economy where there is a lot of competition, a personal brand statement helps you stand out and be remembered.

Personal brand statement examples

You may see a personal brand statement on a website, in a LinkedIn headline, or email signature block. It's a simple sentence or two that explains what you do.

When someone reads or hears your personal brand statement, you want them to know exactly what you do, who you help and what problem you solve.

What Is A Personal Brand Statement?

Businesses have slogans and whenever you hear or see it, you instantly know the company.

  • Just Do It — Nike
  • Melts in Your Mouth, Not in Your Hands — M&Ms
  • America Runs on Dunkin — Dunkin Donuts

Personal branding statements should work the same way. As people, we also have things we are known for, or a reputation.

Your brand is what other people say about you when you're not in the room

— Jeff Bezos, CEO Amazon

Personal brand statements can also be referred to as a unique selling point (USP), value proposition or unique value proposition (UVP). No matter what you call them, these two-three sentences pack a powerful punch and clearly communicate what you are known for (or the value you deliver).

The best personal brand statement examples tend to contain three important pieces of information:

  • What you do or what problem you solve
  • Who benefits from this
  • How you do it uniquely

As simple as these statements are, they can be incredibly challenging to pinpoint for yourself. Those catchy slogans above were written by masterful marketers. Consider your personal brand statement a work in progress.

So rather than let someone else decide what you want to be known for, take the bull by the horns and create the personal brand that fits who you are today.

Who Should Have One?

Entrepreneurs, freelancers, authors and speakers invest great time and effort developing personal brand statements that set them apart from the competition or position them in front of the right audience.

But even if you aren't one of these folks, you still need a strong message when you introduce yourself. Your personal brand statement is more than your job title and company. It's a powerful way to become a sought after resource internally or externally.

In job search, having a clear and easy to understand personal brand statement is incredibly important. You want people to easily remember what you do in case they hear of any openings or know anyone they should introduce you to.

Keep in mind that saying something, doesn't necessarily make it true. Your personal brand has to align with how you actually perform.

Where To Use It

Business owners and even job seekers, realize how critically important it is to have a personal brand statement that explains exactly what they deliver.

You never get a second chance to make a good first impression.

— Will Rogers

Your personal brand statement is that first impression. You can use a version of it on your website, in your LinkedIn headline, at the top of your resume, in your social media profile and even in your email signature. You may even have a spoken version of your personal brand statement that is a bit more conversational.

As you can see from the samples below, personal brand statements are used in all those places. In fact, a version of the personal branding statement follows them around everywhere they appear, online and in-person.

Personal Brand Statement Examples

As you will see, personal branding statements are an important tool to humanise your business and help customers choose your service over competitors. A personal brand statement adds a recognisable face behind the product or service and provides a level of trust people want to invest in. Your business transforms from a cold, money-making operation to a warm, friendly entity.

The personal brand statement examples below come from recognized leaders and influencers (and some lesser-known personalities) who talk about leadership, marketing, entrepreneurship and the human condition. They are authors, speakers, trainers and business owners — each with a unique, money-making idea worth sharing.

Let's take a look at real personal brand samples and see how you can adapt them to create your own unique personal brand. And if you're thinking," I'm not a celebrity. How can I have a personal brand?" stick with me and give these a look first. It's actually quite easy to replicate or adapt your message based on these examples.

Simon Sinek

We imagine a world in which the vast majority of people wake up every day inspired, feel safe wherever they are and end the day fulfilled by the work they do.

Though this is written as "we imagine" it is based on Sinek's personal beliefs too. This may sound a bit like a mission statement than a personal brand statement but it's still a powerful example of how you can combine your personal mission or values with the work that you enjoy doing to create your own personal branding statement.

It addresses the problem Sinek solves: to help people wake up every day feeling inspired, safe and fulfilled. (Who doesn't want that?) Yet it is rare or uncommon for businesses to say that's what they deliver. And that is what makes this unique. It is genuine and not-so-common.

LeVar Burton

I've dedicated my life to the power of storytelling. Whether I'm acting, directing, writing or podcasting, I believe sharing stories is what I was born to do because storytelling is what brings us all together.

You may not remember Burton from Reading Rainbow, but you may have seen him in a role on Star Trek.

What Burton has done is simply put into words what he loves doing. He has found multiple outlets to focus on sharing stories. Perhaps you have found multiple ways to carry out your special talents.

Mark Manson

I am the #1 NYTimes Bestselling author of The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck and Everything is F*cked: A Book About Hope. I write life advice that is science-based, pragmatic, and non-bullshitty — a.k.a., life advice that doesn't suck.

Do you have a straight-forward way of addressing problems? Manson provides life advice that doesn't suck.

Without needing to say who his audience is, his message resonates with those who don't mind profanity and are looking for science-based, pragmatic advice.

Sometimes the way in which you deliver a message or solve a problem is part of your personal brand.

PS: I'm not suggesting that you use profanity, remember, you're not a NYTimes bestselling author and probably can't get away with it.

Claude Silver

I'm Claude Silver and my life's purpose is to be of joyful service and unlock emotional optimism in all.

Chief Heart Officer at VaynerMedia (HR/People)

Silver has an unusual job title, Chief Heart Officer (CHO). And for those who may not know what that means, she spells it out in her personal branding statement. Her value is in unlocking emotional optimism in everyone.

While you may not think there's money in that or it's too general, she has found a way to make it work. It's almost like a teaser personal branding statement and it certainly speaks to her priorities and values in life.

Kim Garst

Make more money online with marketing strategies that work. Education & training that take the mystery out of building a profitable business.

What business owner do you know that doesn't want to make more money online? And for many, online selling is a bit mysterious. If you don't have a team of people designated to do this for you (if you're an entrepreneur or freelancer) then Garst's education and training may be appealing.

What Garst hasn't included is her personality/style or mission. It makes this a little less personal than the other personal brand statement examples on this list, but as you can see, it still is clear and easy to understand.

Amy Porterfield

Hi, I'm Amy.

I teach business owners, educators and entrepreneurs the profitable action steps for building a highly engaged email list, creating online training courses, and using online marketing strategies to sell with ease.

Porter clearly spells out who she serves with her services. And she addresses one of the major pain-points for business owners, educators and entrepreneurs... that her actions and ideas are easy!

As you see, Porter lists several areas of expertise — email lists, online courses and marketing.

You may also have several areas of expertise or specialty. Just make sure they are crystal clear and specific enough so people understand what you're talking about.

William Arruda

William Arruda's personal branding and social media keynotes, innovative training and influential Forbes columns have inspired millions of professionals to bolster their brand, up their social media savvy, deliver greater value to their company and have more fun at work!

Arruda provides personal branding advice in many different forms. And what makes this personal brand statement example different is that he talks about the outcome or results of his services — "bolster brand, increase social media savvy, value to company and more fun at work."

Who knew personal branding could be so valuable!

And while this isn't written in the first person, you can see how it could easily be converted to say "My personal branding... "

Donald Miller

Most companies struggle to talk about what they offer but if you confuse, you'll lose. My framework helps you clarify your message so customers place orders.

Miller's message is clear and concise. It should be, messaging is what he specializes in. His personal branding statement (in his Twitter bio) addresses the problem, his solution and the outcome.

Here's how you might use a formula based on Miller's personal branding statement:

This is the problem, and why it's not good. Here's my solution/fix and what the outcome will be.

Arielelle Hale

Helping service providers hit consistent $10k+ months w/o working 10k hours/month. 5 Systems Service Providers Need to Grow

I'll be honest, it was the name of Hale's company, Allergic To Hourly, that piqued my interest. Her personal branding statement is very specific and she knows exactly who her ideal client is, as she has clearly spelled out.

She is targeting service providers who need a system to help them maintain a consistent revenue without working tons of hours.

Niching, or specializing is a powerful way to serve your customers by giving them exactly what they need.

Andréa Jones

Helping socially inclusive brands impact & empower more people using social media.

I don't know exactly what a socially inclusive brand is, but if I was one, I would be interested. That's Jones' target audience. She helps them use social media to increase impact.

Here's an example of how concise may not always provide enough information. It's still good, but more detail might make it better.

Kassy LaBorie

Virtual Training is Here to Stay. Partnering With You to Lead the Way

You may not have heard of LaBorie before. But you know what she does. She's helping virtual trainers lead the way.

This personal branding statement sample is kind of catchy and it even rhymes. So if you are looking for another way to help people remember what you do, you may want to use clever word pairing or rhyming.

Final Thoughts

Businesses and entrepreneurs often hire consultants to help write and refine their personal brand statements, but you can borrow ideas from examples to help you spin your own.

Landing on the right personal brand statement is sort of like trying on shoes. You'll know it fits once it's on or done. In fact, your statement may shift, morph or change as you and your business grow.


Experience live events through Vet Tix with friends and family

By VA Careers | U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs © 2023, Reprinted with permission

Attending live events, such as concerts, sports, performing arts and family themed events is how many of us relax with entertainment. These experiences are especially significant to Veterans and those who serve our country in uniform. Quite often, our Veterans and service members have missed out on various life events, such as birthdays, anniversaries and holidays with family and friends. Those are experiences that we can't get back, however we quite often commit to making up for it when we're back with our loved ones.

Vet Tix is open to Veterans of all eras

"This was my families' first time at an event for Vettix. It was a great experience. We all loved it. I felt honored as a Veteran to be at this event," Army Veteran Tierra J.

Vet Tix is a national nonprofit organization that provides free event tickets to give something to those who gave. Vet Tix supports Veterans and service members by honoring their service and providing positive family and life experiences during and after their years of service to our country, delivering experiences to last a lifetime. Becoming a member is free; to join, one just has to be a Veteran (all eras), a member of the military, or the immediate family member of a service member who was killed in the line of duty.

The cost of attending live entertainment events can range anywhere from over $200- $500 for a family or four, making these All-American events far too expensive for many of the families to attend.

Vet Tix receives donated tickets from professional and collegiate sports teams, concert and performing arts venues, artists/performers, private donors who aren't going to use their tickets, entertainment promoters from motor sports, rodeos, festivals and more. It receives tickets to many major concert tours, performing arts such as Hamilton, and even major sporting events such as the NFL Super Bowl.

Giving something to those who gave

Created in 2008 by U.S. Navy Veteran Michael Focareto III, Vet Tix has distributed over 16 million tickets to over 200,000 events throughout the United States. "Vet Tix is able to continue to achieve our mission of 'giving something to those who gave,' due of the generosity of or amazing donors. We're grateful for their continued support," Focareto said.

The ticket to the rest of your life

"I loved seeing Hamilton at The Pantages theater! The performance was outstanding, with amazing seats. It's been very gratifying to be a member of Vet Tix," said an Army Veteran.

Vet Tix has received over one million testimonials from its members, referred to as VetTixers who share their experiences by thanking the over 30,000 donors for creating lifelong memories. Quite often, they've shared their stories of success in addressing personal challenges through attending events provided by Vet Tix. "People don't realize that this is truly more than a ticket to an event, it's a ticket to the rest of our life," said Adrienne, a U.S. Army Veteran.

Join Vet Tix today

Thousands of Veterans who are registered with VA are enjoying the experiences and opportunities Vet Tix provides. To become a VetTixer, create an account for free at Once your status is verified through Vet Tix and VA's verification portal,, you, too, can experience events through Vet Tix with friends and family. Tickets are free, however there is a nominal delivery fee. If you're a caregiver of a Veteran, have them sign up; many VetTixers bring their caregivers to events through Vet Tix as a way to thank them for what they do.

The sharing of any non-VA information does not constitute an endorsement of products and services on part of VA.
